This year Nobel Peace Prize (2006) was awarded to a Bangladeshi person, Dr Muhammad Yunus and an organization, Grameen Bank. It is a remarkable thing for this poverty striken corrupted politician led country. I had no intention to post an entry on this subject. But some SMS's from friends and posts in groups prompted me to sit for this entry.... again got confused where to post (I've so many blogs ;)).
Some said, at last they (indicating to West) had to recognize us... some other thought after achieving this prize we can do anything... Blah Blah Blah.
Well, Nobel Prize isn't a recoginition of something... Someone didn't get Nobel Prize doesn't mean s/he didn't do good for Humanity. There is a selection board, there are lots of people and organizations to be considered. At the end, you select one or couple of them. That doesn't mean others did nothing.
Every nation has its talents, the matter is getting opportunity.
Another thing, very few Bangladeshi do great things. Our education system is such a numb one that it makes us shed all the humanly qualities, creativity, innovation. Besides unfortunately our society does neither respect nor reward the great peoples.
I don't know much about Bangladeshi born scientists who are doing good job abroad (I know only about my Shejho Mama, Dr Fazlul Huq who was once nominated for Nobel Prize for his Anti-cancer research), but it's for sure that no Bangladeshi working in Bangladesh is doing Nobel Prize winning science. There is no funding, besides you don't even get appreciation and inspiration for carrying out research.
May be someday things will change.
Image Courtesy: www.nobelprize.org
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