Saturday, June 20, 2009

DST from my perspective

The country is clearly another step ahead by using DST, Daylight Saving Time, from tonight. I wont go for justifications (one of my friend, Minhaz seriously doubts its any positive effect and he put forward lots of geographical explanations, lets not go to that.)

What I felt is the government failed to publicize it. Its now just a high class educated society clock time change phenomenon, rather than being an event of mass participation. I can give an example form my own life. The guard at our house today refused to open the gate at 7 am, he was insisting the gate will be opened at 7 but now its only 6 am. My brother, to his utter annoyance, failed to convince him that 7 is 7 and all the offices, schools, colleges and universities will start according to the new time schedule.

But the fact is, I'm not surprized at all, its the way things work in our beloved country. We have some highly talented individuals at the administration who execute their decisions without even the need of planning, let alone the concept of proper planning. Its ridiculous to start DST when technically we have already finished summer and on the brink of the longest day of the year (21st June, DST should be evenly distributed at the both side of the longest day, i.e. if DST is in operation for two months, one should be before the longest day, the rest should be after it).

Hail us and our leaders...

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1 comment:

Riaj said...

Same prayers from here!!