Sunday, January 28, 2007

12 hours and your cancer is cured!

Sometimes life is really tough. This entry was supposed to be in last Monday or Tuesday...

It's BAS. (Baizid Alam Shibib)

Last Monday, he came to the class and started day dreaming ;)

He was asking,"If someone from Bangladesh invents a drug which cures any type of cancer within 12 hours, will s/he get Nobel Prize?" I said,"Not once..."

How can a biochemist have such fantasy? When I told Tanaeem, he laughed and said,"This joker has no idea. Complications like cancer; curing in 12 hour! It is not a disease. You can't go and kill the pathogens! It's your cells dividing uncontrollably and bringing back the control requires hack of a time!!! At least couple of months, in fact years."

He could have increased his credibility! He could have said any particular cancer, may be in a month or 6 months... that would have made lot sense. All cancer! He has no idea how cancer forms. There are at least millions of ways: activation of oncogene, inactivation of tumor suppressor genes... non-functional cell signaling... mutation ... I don't think the list will ever end. And if someone says, he wants to treat all these with one and only drug (when I can't even list them in single sentence), then I guess he has problem in grasping the difference between cancer and other diseases... funny thing is he teaches Human Physiology in Department of Biochemistry. To add to the surprise list, Biochemistry students think he is the moving encyclopedia!!! Ha Ha Ha!

May be he meant Astrology's Cancer ;)


Jibon_Vabna said...

Why didn't you mention that he told what if one could invent that remedy studying plant physiology in his class......... ;)

Riaj said...

He used to tell this thing in classes every year..